What’s Happening at Eaglemont?

*Ongoing events & the Sunday Messages Series are listed below

Ongoing Events/Programming

Click on the Icons below for more information on:

Sunday Message Series

‘Gospel of John’ Series – This Fall we continue in our Sunday Teaching Series, ‘Gospel of John’ – We encourage you to make connecting in the Sunday gathering a priority for the teaching that God is leading us in, together as a church, but also for the cultivation of mutually encouraging relationships within this church family. For the Sunday messages you miss, go to Eaglemont Christian Church YouTube channel to watch these messages.

Sept. 8: John 9:24 – 41 – ‘The Gift of Sight’

Sept. 15: John 10:1 – 10 – ‘A Real Enemy’

Sept. 22: John 10:11 – 21 – ‘What a Good Shepherd is Willing to Do’

Sept. 29: John 10:22 – 42 – ‘Hard Hearts & Deaf Ears’

Oct. 6: John 11:1 – 35 – ‘The Agony of Waiting’

Oct. 13 (Thanksgiving Sunday): Eaglemont’s Next Generation – What They’re Saying About Their Walk with Christ!

Oct. 20: John 11:36 – 57 – ‘The Life-Giving Word’

Oct. 27: John 12:1 – 11 – ‘Extravagant Love’

Nov. 3: John 12:12 – 34 – ‘King Jesus’ & Baptism Sunday – Click HERE for more info and to sign up for baptisms.

Nov. 10: John 12:35 – 50 – ‘True Belief’

Nov. 17: John 13:1 – 17 – ‘Serving Like Jesus’

Nov. 24: Stewardship Sunday – Eaglemont has invited our Pentecostal Assemblies of Canada Stewardship Services to present a life-transforming seminar in this Sunday gathering called ‘Radical Stewardship’, with guest speaker: Rev. Murray Coughlan.  We believe it’s important for Christ-followers to understand financial planning from a biblical perspective, which includes having an up to date written will.  During the week following this presentation on November 24th, there will be opportunity to book an appointment with Murray to create or update your will.