2024 Daily Time With God

What an amazing privilege we have to spend time with God every day by reading His word and dialoguing with Him in prayer! As we grow as Jesus’ disciples this daily time becomes even more precious and highly valued.

Prayer is communication with God. Good communication is talking and listening. Prayer must not be us talking the whole time since God wants to speak His words of strength and guidance to us as we will pause to listen.

Engaging with the Bible (God’s word to us), through reading, meditating, memorizing and studying, strengthens our minds and also fortifies our spiritual lives against the “schemes” of our spiritual enemy, Satan (Ephesians 6:11).

As a church family, we want to grow in ‘knowing God, loving people, and serving the world’, which is our Eaglemont mission statement. This statement is built solidly upon Jesus’ Great Commission to “Go, and make disciples,” and on His Great Commandment to “love God and love people.” All this will only happen as we submit our lives to be shaped by time spent with God.

Click below to read more and to see the Bible Reading Plan options (there are three 2022 reading plans to choose from) and to see numerous prayer tools to make your time with God meaningful and life-giving. 

Pastor Marlo