Think about a relationship that really matters to you. Give some thought to the ways you have been willing to invest in that relationship to see it grow and deepen. Hopefully you can think of some relationships in your life where that is the case.  

A leading biz development coach writes an article about this topic of building relationships that matter in people’s “professional life.” She makes four points toward this aim:

  1. Be authentic

  2. Be present

  3. Be realistic

  4. Be selfless

I don’t think she’s a Christ-follower, but these are good ‘action steps’ for relationship growth. A biblical case could even be made for each of these.

The point here is that for relationships that matter to us, there are things we must do to grow those relationships deeper and stronger. That certainly applies to our relationship with God as well, for those of us who are Christ-followers. As a matter of fact, our relationship with God must be our absolute top priority. Therefore, giving careful consideration and planning to ways we can grow that relationship is vital. It also has significant influence on every other aspect of our lives.

This is the reason we put forward the 2023 ‘3 x 5 Challenge’ at Eaglemont Church. It’s a daily commitment to invest in our spiritual lives through spending 5 minutes in Bible engagement, 5 minutes in prayer and 5 minutes of listening to God. For many of you, the ‘5-minute’ suggestion might be 10 minutes, or 15 minutes (or more). The point is to start somewhere, or to continue to grow from where you are. Click here to read some important information about these three spiritual habits.

Be sure to utilize the 2023 Daily Time with God booklet to help in your Bible engagement and prayer. Access it here (or pick up a hard copy at Eaglemont Church).

You can also pick up a ‘3 x 5’ bookmark [yup, an ‘old school’ reminder] at the back table at church, if you haven’t already done so.

I encourage you to listen to this message from our Sunday gathering on January 8/23 about the ‘3 x 5 Challenge’ (a ‘tag team’ message from Pastors Jaeden, Brennan, and Joel):

Click here to let us know that you are committing to the ‘3 X 5’ challenge in 2023. We hope you will.

Grow Deep,

Pastor Marlo
